Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Real Slim Shady

I remember the first Eminem album I ever bought, aka the first album I ever fell in love with. I was about 8 or 9, and my dad took me to the store on State and Division to buy the Marshall Mathers LP. Just looking at the front cover of it takes me back in to almost what seems like a different world, a world and a time that I miss very dearly. Anyways, to make a long story semi-short, Eminem was the first artists that I, I guess, became obsessed with (in a non homosexual kind of way, not that that's a problem or anything). He was, whether you like to admit it or not (and if you don't I will shank you), one of the best lyricists of his time, and that ever lived. Eminem, I am sad to say, is dead. The white tee wearing, bleach yellow haired, pissed off, Valium, Vicodin, Ambien (and other drugs) addicted, alcohol guzzling, pistol whipping, bitch smacking, "I just don't give a fuck" Eminem, the REAL Eminem, is no longer with us, which makes me ask ....WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? Since he's dead in a sense, all we can do is remember the old, because the new Eminem is quite franky, SHIT.
Here's a couple old Eminem songs that you either probably haven't heard or that you should listen to.

Download Eminem's first album,  Infinite, here. 

Just don't give a fuck (Slim shady EP version) (Download)

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